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What would you select for Thursday, May 23, 2024?
8:00-9:00 Check-in
9:00-9:15 Welcome/intros with Tom Petrizzo
9:15-10:30 Keynote
10:30-10:45 Break/vendor extravaganza
10:45am - 12pm Concurrent Sessions (75 min) Please select Getting Unstuck: Changing Your Perspective on Court-Involved Therapy Dual Narratives: Suicide Through the Eyes of Motherhood and Medicine Do Ask, Do Tell: Gathering Data to Provide Affirming & Inclusive Services to the LGBTQIA+ Community Loosening the grip of Perfectionsm Journey into Your Mind: Take Back Your Power to Choose How You Show Up. Introduction to ZenTangle Your Trauma is Talking: Examining the Stress Responses and Communication in Relationships Change Management for the Human Helper A Community Approach to Homeless Outreach for those with Severe Mental Illness Empowering Workplaces: Cultivating Resilience & Flourishing for Enhanced Wellbeing Languishing: How to Feel Alive Again in a World that Wears us Down Panel: Maternal Mental Health
12:00-12:45 Lunch
12:45pm - 1:45pm Concurrent Sessions (60 min) Please select Understanding Self-Injurious Behaviors Supporting Hidden Helpers - the Children in Veteran Caregiving Homes Transforming Community Health Improvement: A Collaborative, System-centric Approach to Mental & Behavioral Health Do No Harm: How a 100+ Year Old Social Service Agency Uses Mental Wellness and Innovation to Partner and Collaborate (aka, we changed how we do business) Empowering Mental Health Among Black & Brown Trans Women: Perspectives & Strategies for QTBIPOC Communities Get Comfortable with Vulnerability to Build Brave Spaces Thrive at Work: Crafting a Career Based on Mindful Self-Compassion Rethinking Mental Health The Clubhouse Model to enhance mental health services in your area Screening and Assessing for Trauma in Primary Care Trauma: A Closer Look Panel: The Creative Arts in Mental Health and Well-Being
1:45-2:00 Break
2:00pm - 3:15pm Concurrent Sessions (75 min) Please select Helping Adolescents Overcome Hopelessness through Sparks of Wonder 90 Day Dive - A New Psychotherapy Treatment Being the safety net underneath the cracks: using professional partnerships to catch the tough cases that fall through the cracks Psychiatry for All: Considerations in psychiatric care for the gender diverse. When the Lid Gets Flipped Learn to Lead Becoming Human: Rediscovering Our Humanity as Helpers Once Again There Is No Such Thing As Work- Life Balance: Learning to Thrive While Integrating Your Personal and Professional Lives The Imagine Project: A Powerful Tool to Help Individuals Overcome Stress and Trauma Unconscious Bias and Microaggressions Harm Reduction: Helping Our Communities Thrive Panel: Crisis Support in Our Community--The Impact of the 988 Roll-Out
3:15-3:30 Break
3:30pm-4:30pm Concurrent Sessions (60 min) Please select Express Yourself: Understanding and Utilizing Expressive Therapy CCBHCs, Care Coordination, and Mentally Unhealthy Days: Technology and SDoH Life Lessons from the Dying Supporting Family Members with Mental Health Inspire, Empower and Retain Tools for Behavioral Health Leaders Journaling for the Non-Journaler: Finding Gratitude in 6 Minutes a Day Unlocking the Power of The Mind Veterans and First Responders: Healing Trauma in Those Who Serve Healing Trauma with Relationships: A Case Study in Holistic Treatment of the Whole Family Get Comfy Being Uncomfy: Let's Talk About Suicide Prevention Treating Narcissistic Abuse Panel: Sharing Their Stories--Lived Experience of Managing Mental Health
What would you select for Friday, May 24, 2024?
8:30-9:00 Check-in
9:00-9:45 Welcome/keynote
9:45-10:00 Break
10:00am - 10:45am Concurrent Sessions (45 min) Please select Advancements in Mental Health: IV Ketamine and NAD Therapy A Therapeutic Bridge: Making the Emotive and Abstract Accessible to Concrete and Analytical Thinkers Building Genuine Connections: Navigating Loneliness in a Digital Age You Are Not Alone and There Is Hope Leadership Lessons from The Great Resignation Writing Your Way to Recovery Recovery for Persons Experiencing Addiction, and Recovery for those close to those Experiencing Addiction Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica: The Importance of Humor in the Workplace Crisis Response: What's 988 Got to Do With It? AI in Mental Health Panel - Houselessness and Mental Health Anxiety and Depression
10:45-11:00 Break
11:00am - 12:00pm Concurrent Sessions (60 min) Please select 10 Considerations When Working With Foster Families "Man up(?)": Masculinity and Mental Health Embracing Unseen Diversity: Forging Genuine Connections in DEI Life Skills for ADHD Keeping Kids Safe Online Creating a Positive Workplace Culture Thriving Together: Strategies for Promoting Well-being, Preventing Illness, Building Resilience, and Fostering Recovery Compliance Assistance on Mental Health Parity Revitalizing Workplace Well-Being: Navigating Harm Reduction Strategies in Addressing Workplace Bullying Community Perceptions of Opioid Overdoses: Brains, Bias, and Best Practices Keynote Breakout Panel: Mental Health Court--Collaboration Toward Better Outcomes